Install Parallels Tools

My Parallels Tools did not install, reinstall, or update on my virtual machine. Parallels Tools must be reinstalled. Several issues may necessitate the reinstall of Parallels Tools. For example, if a shared LandFX folder is mounted on your Mac and shared via Parallel Tools, you may be unable to access it. Problems like this can be resolved by reinstalling Parallels Tools.


Some or all of the following features do not work properly in the virtual machine:

  • Mode of coherence view
  • Drag and Drop
  • Mouse Synchronization via Copy and Paste
  • Synchronization of Time
  • Synchronization of the Clipboard
  • Resolution in Motion
  • Folders that are shared
  • Shared Applications and Profiles
  • Printers and other devices that are shared


General troubleshooting is simple; simply follow the instructions step by step.

Basic (the most common)

1.In the Mac menu bar, locate the Parallels logo and select Actions > Reinstall Parallels Tools.

reinstall parallels tools

2. Parallels Tools will start updating; once finished, click Restart to restart the virtual machine and finish the installation.

Extensive (if the first method did not help)

  1. Save (back up) the current state of your virtual machine by clicking on the Parallels logo > and selecting Take snapshot on the Mac menu bar.
take snapshot
  1. Remove all anti-malware (antivirus) software from the guest OS.
  1. Perform a Windows clean boot to ensure that no third-party applications are interfering with Parallels Tools installation.

NOTE: Keep Parallels Tools services enabled in the Services tab.

  1. Install Parallels Tools again.


  1. Examine your system for any missing or corrupted files.

2. If you receive the message shown in the screenshot below after scanning the system, please repair Windows using the DISM utility.

NOTE: An internet connection is required to run the DISM command.

Inspect your virtual hard drive for the presence of corrupted sectors.

  1. Install the Parallels Tools manually.

If the steps above do not resolve the issue, refer to KB 8969 for an additional Parallels Tools installation issues guide.

Install Parallels Tools in order to Use Coherence Mode

A quick reference guide for running Parallels in Coherence mode Coherence mode is an OS X feature that allows the virtual machine to appear to be another application.

  • While the virtual machine is running, click the Parallels icon in the lower right corner of the window.
  • You will be prompted to insert the Parallels disc; once done, press Continue.
  • User Account Control will prompt you for authorization to install.
  • The installation will begin once you accept it.
  • After it has finished, you can start Coherence from the parallels menu and proceed as follows:
  • To this:
  • Including a Start Menu in Windows 7:
  • All open programmed will now behave as if they were part of OS X.

If the Parallels Tools installation continues to fail…

Examine the Event Viewer log files for a possible cause of the Tools failure.

If any critical errors about.dll libraries,.inf file malfunctions, or other system file problems are discovered in Event Viewer, the operating system registry is damaged and will undoubtedly manifest itself in the future. Consider creating a new virtual machine from scratch.

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