Parallels Network Initialization Failed

The installation of specific applications may sever the network connection when an operating system is being used inside of Parallel Desktops. For Windows XP running on Parallels Desktop for Mac, see the remedy provided below. This might not apply in every circumstance because Parallels offers a variety of networking configuration options.

How Can I Fix Parallels Desktop’s “Network Initialization Failed” Issue?

Remove network interfaces and disable Internet Sharing.

  • Open Finder, pick Applications, then Utilities.
  • To start the tool, double-click on Terminal.
  • Run the sudo rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist and sudo killall -9 configd commands.
  • Switch off your computer.
  • then locate the Sharing preference pane under System Preferences.
  • Turn off Internet sharing.

Restart Parallels Desktop and verify the outcomes.

  • To run the client, use Superuser Rights.
  • Run the Parallels Desktop client as a superuser if the problem still occurs.
  • Close your virtual machine, then completely quit Parallels.
  • Launch Terminal after that, and then provide the following command:
  • /Applications/Parallels/ client app sudo -b
  • Some customers noted that although the command worked, the integrity of their Home folders was lost. Reinstall Parallels if you are having the same problems.

If you’re using a wired connection, adhere to these steps:

  1. Turn on Wi-Fi and wait for network connectivity on your device. There ought to be two IP addresses now.
  2. Select Service Order under Network in System Preferences (the gear icon). Verify that your Ethernet connection is still listed as the primary connection (main connection). Move the Wi-Fi network up to the front.

3. Open Parallels and choose Wi-Fi as the virtual machine’s network. On your VM, you might occasionally need to choose the wifi network twice.

By switching from the shared network to the bridged network, other users were able to solve the issue. Determine which of these approaches is best for you.

The Parallel Desktop Preferences editor

  • Close the parallels entirely. Open the Activity Monitor, then end any active Parallels processes that may still be there.
  • Run the sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml command after starting Terminal.
  • Locate the line that ends in UseKextless>1/UseKextless>.
  • After that, set it to “UseKextless” 0.
  • To save the modifications and close the XML file, press CLT and O, followed by CLT and X.
  • Start your Mac again. Check to see if Wi-Fi is accessible on your Windows 10 virtual computer by relaunching Parallels.


Use the sudo -b /Applications/Parallels/ client app Terminal command to launch Parallels with superuser access if your Windows 10 virtual machine is unable to connect to the Internet. Remember to turn off Internet sharing. If Parallels Network Initialization Failed problem still exists, modify the Network.desktop.xml file and replace the string “UseKextless>1” with “UseKextless>0.”

Which approach was successful for you? Tell us in the comments section below.

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